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Working to become Dementia Friendly

Summary Record of the meeting held on 23 February 2023

Hythe Town Council Dementia Awareness Forum

Summary Record of the meeting held on

Thursday 23rd February 2023, 10.00am,

Committee Room, Hythe Town Council, Oaklands.

Present: Dudley Shipton, Susan Crowhurst, Susan Foster, Shirley Moberly, John Sinclaire-Thomas, Kim Groves, Annelies and Malcolm Brice, Brenda Courtney, Carlene Ryan, Caren Austin, Chris Porter, Niki Young, Linzy Clarke, Karen Oxley, Jean Gilham, Jean Hills, Jane and Stephen Clark, Kathy Gardiner, Annie Anderson, Zowie Griggs, Ann Mayne, Janice and Michael Dougall, Peter Jarvis.

  1. Welcome

Dudley welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially those who were attending for the first time, namely Janice and Michael Dougall from the dementia community, Kathy Gardiner a nurse who used to care for her husband with Lewy Body dementia and Karen Oxley, social prescriber connected to Oaklands Surgery.

  1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cleo Smith, Neil Jones, Stephen Callis, Andrew Brittain, Wendy Richley, Anneli Gower, Ray Cruz, Sandrany Williams, Jo Gregory.

Susan delivered a special message of thanks and positivity from Anneli Gower who, following a change of duties within the Shepway Community Mental Health Service for Older Persons, will no longer attend Forum meetings but will be replaced by Ray Cruz as and when he can. The Forum looks forward to welcoming him.

  1. To review and agree the summary record of the previous meeting, 26 January 2023

Copies of the summary record were available to all and had been sent via email prior to the meeting. Dudley thanked Susan for production and distribution of the record which was agreed to be correct by all attendees.

  1. Report on recent Forum activities – Dudley Shipton

The Musical Afternoon held on 1 February with the St Hilda's Ukulele Group was a great success.

Tai chi and lunch on 22 February at Hythe Bowls Club was extremely successful and was attended by 34 people. The Forum is most grateful to Sue Mott and Anna for organising this.

101 Open Door Project: Susan continues to attend at 101 High Street on Monday afternoons (also on Tuesday afternoons in the name of the Royal British Legion), to offer the Hypertension Heroes project on both days whereby assistance and advice are given with blood pressure readings. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a chat and to collect community information, including information about the Forum activities.

Community Coffee Mornings: Coffee mornings are regularly attended by 45+ people and are supported by the Royal British Legion Hythe and Saltwood Branch and the RSPCA. Students from Brockhill Performing College expect to attend regularly and a benefits officer from Folkestone and Hythe District Council attends on the first Friday of each month.

Let's Talk Dementia at Hythe Library: Tuesday morning sessions continue to be very popular with a maximum of 15 attendees each time. Places can be reserved by contacting Susan on 07734 383691 or by email to The Forum has recently provided two new bingo games for use at the sessions. Participants also expressed appreciation of the quizzes arranged by Chris Porter on a fortnightly basis at the library sessions.

  1. Friends of Hythe Dementia – Ann Mayne

Ann reminded everyone that financial assistance is offered for equipment to improve the quality of life for those with dementia and for their carers. Applications are invited via a form available from Susan upon request at

Ann requested that staff working at the GP surgeries try to remember to share information about the charity with their relevant patients.

Ann spoke of the Big Charity Night on 22 April. See agenda item 7.   

  1. Community Hub – Carlene Ryan

Please see the Community Hub's full and detailed report and posters which are attached as an appendix to these minutes.

Dudley asked attendees for their thoughts on attending a Forum meeting at Age UK Lyminge, with the advantage that this would provide an opportunity to look around the Centre. It was the general feeling that meetings should be held in Hythe. Carlene said that the invitation had been extended with those unable to travel to Lyminge to join in virtually at the Hythe Centre. Dudley thanked Age UK for the invitation and added that it would certainly be worthwhile for people to arrange a visit to look around - and Carlene added she would be very pleased to welcome them to her work place.

Shirley suggested that a private invitation for professionals to visit might be useful and this could be distributed if required via the Forum.

It was asked how many people from the local area of Lyminge as compared to people from Hythe attend the dementia daycare. Carlene replied that there are not so many but added that the Centre has other things to offer eg the cafe and shop, COGS, fish and chips on Thursdays, and transport is available at a cost. It was commented that people with dementia do not find the journey easy but Carlene stressed that the distance is not far. 

Caren Austin, Dementia Co-ordinator, is now accepting referrals and is very busy.

  1. Future events already organised - a calendar of dates was available at the meeting and is attached to the minutes.
  • Wednesday 1 March, 2.30-4pm, Here Come the Girls at the Hythe Sports and Social Club (HSSC), St Leonards Road, Hythe.
  • Wednesday 5 April, 2.30-4pm, Musical Afternoon with students from Brockhill Academy at the HSSC.
  • Saturday 22 April, On a Night Like This, 7pm for 8pm at Hythe Bay School. Grateful thanks to Stewart Weller for arranging this big charity night featuring Jodie Doody (Kylie Minogue tribute act) and Here Come the Girls, with all profits split between the Forum and the Friends of Hythe Dementia. American Supper - bring your own food and drink. Tickets cost £15 and must be pre-booked; either phone Stewart on 07976 715533 (booking fee due) or pay by £15 cash (no booking fee) directly to Susan (at 101 High St on Mondays and Tuesdays or whenever you see her.)
  • Friday 19 May, the Forum has booked a coach to go to Detling Showground for the Dementia Showcase, organised by the Kent Dementia Action Alliance. Please reserve your place on the coach with Susan. Further details to come at the next Forum meeting.


  1. Events to be planned

Coronation Celebrations

Special events will be held on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 May on Oaklands and/or The Green and full details are still to be confirmed.

The Forum will be holding an event on Monday 8 May from 12 noon until 4pm at the Tin Tabernacle, to take place both inside the hall and in the garden, together with the U3A. It is planned to be an informal drop-in event with refreshments, some entertainment but no raffles or draws. Free entry but donations are welcome to contribute to the venue hire and cost of refreshments. 



  • Plans are taking shape for a day trip to Kearsney Abbey near Dover. This will be booked for a day in July 2023.
  • Wednesday 28 June, Sue Mott has extended an invitation to join the Stepping Out walk in Tankerton. If interested, please contact Sue directly on 07836 283566.


Dementia Friends training

It is hoped that this will take place on Friday 12 May, 10 for 10.15am until 12 noon at St Michaels Methodist Centre, delivered by Stephen Callis of Cinque Ports Mobility and Healthcare.


  1. Update from the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) – Shirley Moberly

Shirley stated that the next meeting of the DAA is scheduled for 7 March, so she will provide an update at the next meeting.


  1. Information time
  • Dudley said that it has been suggested that name badges should be worn at Forum events, to ease embarrassment of those who cannot remember names. Ideas were shared of how this could happen and Susan C commented that a bold yellow background with black letters works best. Dudley promised that effort would be made to bring this about.
  • Zowie Griggs, Community Manager at Tynwald, shared information about services offered. Home visits for social rehabilitation are possible (£20 per hour) to rebuild confidence, go shopping, go on outings, etc. Day care is also available for £33, to include meals and drinks. Staff are fully dementia trained. Individual assessments are made by Zowie prior to attendance to ensure safety for all. Personal care is not available during day visits, only for those in respite.

Zowie welcomes visits to Tynwald and she is available at 101 High Street every Friday morning. 

  • Brenda reported that her Waitrose internal community information page has met with great interest and success and she is intending to set up a meeting for staff wanting to know more about how to meet the needs of those with dementia and of their carers. There is an information board in the staff dining room which also attracts interest.

Brenda has spoken with the Store Manager about mats at the entrance and he would like to know more about what kinds of mats would work best and how else he could help. Susan said she would get in touch with Tracey Shorthouse who has previously offered advice to Hythe businesses and may be prepared to help again. 

  • Dudley asked if anyone had or knew of a storage place which could be accessed for the storage of Forum equipment and Carlene kindly offered her garage in Folkestone.


  1. Any Other Business

Zowie said that she will be delivering a First Aid course (no charge) on Friday 23 February from 10am - 2pm if anyone wishes to take the last two remaining spaces.


  1. Dates of next meetings

Thursday 23 March 2023 at 10am in the Council Committee Room, Oaklands and then every fourth Thursday of the month at the same time in the same place, excepting August and December.

There being no further business, Dudley thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 10.55am.